Many other people have written about this subject because it is such a problem that is rarely acknowledged by the general dog owning public, but is a hot topic amongst dog walkers and trainers.
We've all been there, walking our dogs when someone else comes into view with their dog running around like a loon, then their dog sees you and comes bounding over. The other owner usually doesn't call their dog back but just shouts 'IT'S OK, HE'S FRIENDLY!' Or, 'HE'S JUST A PUPPY AND WANTS TO PLAY' Grrrrr!
That dog that is rushing towards me all ears and tongue flapping may well be a very friendly dog, however allowing a dog to charge at people is classed as being out of control ( It isn't 'normal' behaviour, it isn't 'just how dogs play'. Play is 2 dogs mutually engaging in a game, not one dog bullying another. A good way to check to see if it is mutual play is to hold the instigator back and see what the other dog does. If the other dog approaches the dog that is being prevented from playing and tries to restart the game, it's mutual. If that dog walks away, then it wasn't wanted attention!
Letting your dog run up to other dogs and people is letting him run into the unknown, and it could be problematic. Some dogs might be frightened of other dogs, or are injured, or reactive and could end up biting out of fear. The owner might have a fear themselves or be out with a child. If nothing else it is just bad manners. Often people think their dog is just playing as it chases and jumps all over another dog, however more often than not it's bullying behaviour. Dogs that have been taken from their mothers too early, or were not correctly socialised and taught how to interact with other dogs usually have this problem. I see it every day when I'm out with my 3 dogs and a baby strapped to me. People allowing their dogs to do as they please, to chase my dogs making them squeal, jumping up at me, not returning to owners when called..... That is an out of control dog and can be reported to the dog warden and police. It is your responsibility to make sure your dog comes back when called, no one elses. It keeps them safe and being trained works their brain, tiring them out!
If a dog cannot be recalled, keep it on lead and do some training. It's as simple as that. It doesn't matter if your dog is super friendly, a puppy, a chihuahua, a german shepherd or dog that just loves other dogs. Letting a dog rush up and harass other dogs is rude and dangerous, not just for the dogs but for the owners. I love to see dogs off lead running and playing and I would never like to see an 'all dogs must be on lead at all times' law, but sometimes it is necessary. My Brenna is often on lead because she likes to chase deer and can be frightened by other dogs. She will snap at other dogs if they corner her and harass her. I put the collies on if we're approached by other dogs on lead or if I don't like the body language of an approaching dog. It keeps my dogs safe and prevents trouble!
If everyone just had a little consideration, learned the basics of training and canine body language, the daily dog walks would be more pleasurable for everyone!!
YouTube is great for videos on recall and training, check out kikopup and Zak George for positive taining tips!!
Stay safe out there everyone!